Questions & Answers
Does a client who purchases a lot have first priorities in future releases?
Are boat slips available on Payette Lake?
River Ranch has an agreement with Mile High Marina for a limited number of private and secure slips for homeowners’ exclusive use by reservation through River Ranch.
Will the project be gated?
River Ranch is a private gated community. At the main entry on River Ranch Road, a heavy-timbered stone gatehouse and rustic ranch-feeling gate welcome owners and guests. The secondary entrance to the Ranch at South Ranch Road is also gated with a true ranch cattle gate that is opened by remote or keyed code.
Who can use the trails?
The North Valley Trail bike path along the River Ranch east boundary is part of the Valley County Pathways and is open to the public for non-motorized use. All internal trails and recreational access (including the conservation areas near the river) are reserved exclusively for use by residents and their guests.
Where does the water come from to irrigate the common areas and homesite landscaping outside improvement envelopes?
Historic irrigation water rights provide water from mid-May through mid-September and an on-site well provides irrigation water during early spring and late fall. Homeowners access City water for domestic consumption and maintenance within improvement envelope.
Will the lakes be stocked?
Yes, River Ranch is consulting with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to appropriately manage fish in our lakes.
Will River Ranch have groomed cross country trails this winter?
On the River Ranch property, there is a groomed 2+ mile multi-purpose trail that is private and reserved exclusively for owners and their guests.
Will there be an opportunity to have individual appropriately sized and constructed home boat docks?
What is the standard or requirement for surfacing home-site driveways?
Asphalt or equivalent up to the building envelope.
If the roads are private, how will speed limits be enforced?
The speed limit on the property is 15 mph. Signs will be posted and violations will be referred to and enforced by McCall PD.
Who provides fire protection?
McCall Fire & EMS from their facility a mile away; there are fire hydrants on property serviced by the City of McCall.
Who provides police protection?
The City of McCall Police Department.